Women can experience early signs of pregnancy as soon as a week or two after conception, while others may not feel any symptoms until four or five weeks after conception. Some women may only notice symptoms once their period is delayed or even later on in their pregnancy.
What are the 5 main signs of pregnancy?
The symptoms of pregnancy vary from woman to woman. Some may experience numerous symptoms, while others may only have a few.
Symptoms of early pregnancy include:
- Missed period
If you are in your childbearing years, a missed period of more than a week can indicate you are
pregnant. If you have an irregular menstrual cycle, pregnancy will be more difficult to determine
by a missed period.
- Breast changes
As your hormones rise, your breasts and nipples can become sore. It usually only lasts a week or two. If you have breast tenderness during your first trimester, it may diminish or go away during
the second trimester. However, it can continue throughout the entire pregnancy for some.
- Fatigue
Fatigue is not your everyday tiredness; it feels more like severe exhaustion. Your body is nurturing the baby’s development, causing you to slow down and get some needed rest. Energy usually returns in the second trimester.
- Frequent urination
The amount of blood in your body increases during pregnancy, causing your kidneys to produce extra fluid that ends up in your bladder. Frequent urination may ease up in the second trimester
but usually returns in the final weeks of the pregnancy.
- Nausea and vomiting (morning sickness)
Morning sickness can occur a month into your pregnancy or sooner. Not everyone experiences nausea. However, it can happen any part of the day, not just in the morning. It usually fades by
10-14 weeks. Around 5% of pregnant women may experience morning sickness symptoms throughout their entire pregnancy.
If you’re concerned you might be pregnant, make a free, confidential appointment with us at 513-321-3100 or schedule at the link above.
Helpful Links
How To Tell Your Partner About Your Unexpected Pregnancy
What To Do If You Think You Are Pregnant
Source: Mayo Clinic
Posted on July 27, 2023 View the blog