Illustration of a couple in the grass with their backs to each other.

How to Tell Your Partner about Your Unexpected Pregnancy~ 8 Must-know Tips!

How to tell your partner about your unexpected pregnancy. 8 Must-know tips!

Telling your partner that you are pregnant can be a difficult conversation. Whether you are excited, scared, or unhappy about the pregnancy, it is hard to process your own feelings. Facing someone else’s emotions that may be different from your own can be nerve-racking.

Here are some tips to help you tell your partner about your pregnancy.

1. Confirm the Pregnancy

It is best to know for sure that you are pregnant. The best way to know is by taking a pregnancy test that can detect the pregnancy hormone, hCG, in your urine. Pregnancy Center East provides free medical-grade pregnancy

2. Practice What You are Going to Say

Give some thought about how you will tell your partner. Plan to be straightforward and clear. Don’t use negative words like ” I’ve got bad news” or “You’re going to be mad.” Give the information as clearly as you can. For example, “My period is
late. I took two pregnancy tests, and we are pregnant.”

3. Plan When You are Going to Have the Talk

Don’t spring the news on your partner when either of you is busy or rushed.

4. Talk Face-to-Face

You may be tempted to text your partner right away or give him a call with the news of your pregnancy. This is an important conversation that is best had face-to-face. Now you can see each other’s facial expressions, hear the tone, and read each other’s body language, which could be mistaken over a text or call. If there are circumstances where that is not possible, the next best thing is to use Facetime or Zoom. However, if there is any reason you would not feel safe because your partner has a pattern of anger, it is best not to tell him alone. Bring a friend along with you to a public place or use Facetime or Zoom. Never put your safety at risk. Pregnancy Center East has male mentors available to talk to men face-to-face if desired.

5. You are Not Alone

An untimely pregnancy can cause a roller coaster of emotions. Don’t be afraid to acknowledge the range of feelings you are having. You are not alone. We are here for you and are here to listen.

6. Stay Calm

Be prepared for a wide range of reactions (happy, sad, shocked, mad). Try your best to stay calm, even if his response is hurtful. You have had some time to adjust to the news. Your partner will need time too. If at any time you feel you are in danger, leave.

7. Decide Whether to Discuss Now or Later

Now that the news is shared, you can decide together if you need some time alone to take it all in, or if you want to discuss your options right away. You can always take a few days to process the news and agree to talk in 24 or 48 hours.

8. Consider Pregnancy Counseling Together

You probably have a lot of questions and concerns about your pregnancy. Pregnancy Center East can provide confidential, non-judgmental pregnancy counseling for you and your partner. Pregnancy Center East covers a wide variety of needs relating to an unexpected pregnancy. We offer free medical-grade pregnancy testing, pregnancy options counseling, ultrasounds, male mentoring, and a wide variety of resources. All our services are free and confidential. Please schedule your free appointment at the top of the page or call us 24/7 on our hotline at 513-321-3100. We are here for you.

Helpful Links

4 Practical Steps to Overcoming Fear

What to do if you think you are pregnant



American Academy of Family Physicians

Psychology Today

Posted on January 27, 2022 View the blog

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