Illustration of a couple with their backs to each other and a pin heart on his shirt.

Should You Dump Him? A Healthy Relationship Checkup

Should You Dump Him? A Healthy Relationship Checkup

Have you ever heard the saying, “Your actions are speaking so loud that I can’t hear what you are saying?”

Do you have to lower your standards and dignity to be in a relationship with a particular person? Author, Chrystalina Evert developed The Dump Him List. If any behavior on this list sounds like the person you are with, it might be time to say goodbye. Don’t be afraid to step back and have the courage to do what is best for you.  

The Dump Him List 

  1. You have to tell him more than once to stop.
  2. You feel the need to “fix” him.
  3. He looks at pornography.
  4. He hits you, pushes you, or does anything to frighten you.
  5. He gets drunk or takes drugs.
  6. He doesn’t care if you lie to your family.
  7. He leads you away from God.
  8. He puts you down and acts like he’s kidding.
  9. He cheats on you and flirts with other girls.
  10. He uses guilt to get you to do what he wants.
  11. He resents the time you spend with your friends and family.
  12. He’s not accountable for his actions.
  13. The relationship is holding you back from who you need to become and is dictating who you are.
  14. He behaves badly and blames it on other people or things.
  15. He can’t stand on his own two feet without you.
  16. You can’t remain in the relationship and stay pure.

Ten Aspects of a Healthy Relationship

A healthy relationship looks much different. The top qualities include:

  1. Mutual respect
  2. Understanding
  3. Anger control
  4. Trust
  5. Willingness to problem-solve together
  6. Honesty
  7. Individuality is valued
  8. Willingness to compromise
  9. Open communication
  10. Love – wanting what’s best for the other person

A healthy and loving relationship lifts our spirits and gives us confidence that we can be ourselves at all times.  A bad relationship is never worth it.  

Helpful Links

5 Smart Strategies for a Healthy Relationship

YouTube The Dump Him List


Chrystalina Evert, Author/Speaker


Posted on September 23, 2021 View the blog

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