Body Count Vs Exposed To
How Many People You Have Been Sexually Exposed To? Talking about how many people you’ve had sex with can be an awkward topic of conversation. Your “body count” is a term used to describe the number of sexual partners you’ve had, but there is a difference between how many people you have had sex with and how many people you have been exposed to.
Sexual Exposure Calculator Chart
This chart shows how many people you have been exposed to if every person has the same number of partners as you.

What Are STIs?
Sexually Transmitted Infections are simply known as STIs. An STI is an infection that is passed from one person to another during sexual activity. STIs can lead to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). These infections can be spread by vaginal, oral, and/or anal sex, and some may even be spread through hand to genital contact.
You can have an STI and have no symptoms for weeks, months, and possibly years, yet still be passing it to your sexual partners. There is no form of birth control that comes with a 100% guarantee against contracting an STI. The only guaranteed way to avoid pregnancy or a sexually transmitted infection is to practice sexual abstinence.
How We Can Help
Are you surprised by the number of people you have been sexually exposed to? We offer testing for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea for men and women. You can schedule at the link above.
Source: Abstinence Clearinghouse
Helpful Links
YouTube Short: Chlamydia the Silent Infection
Posted on April 22, 2024 View the blog