If you’re considering abortion in Cincinnati, Ohio, Pregnancy Center Plus is a great place to receive evidence-based abortion information. All our services, including pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, and options information, are offered free of charge and are completely confidential.
It is important to remember that abortion is a medical procedure. Take the time to get the facts. You owe it to yourself to make an informed decision.
Pregnancy Center Plus provides medical grade urine pregnancy tests.
Gestational age determines the type and cost of an abortion procedure. Only an ultrasound can accurately determine this information.
This condition poses significant risks and requires immediate medical attention.
Medical experts estimate that one in five pregnancies end in a natural miscarriage.
The gestational age determines the type of abortion procedure: Medical (chemical) abortion; Suction Aspiration or Vacuum Aspiration surgical abortion; D & C (Dilation & Curettage) surgical abortion; or D & E (Dilation & Evacuation) surgical abortion.
As with any medical procedure, abortion presents potential risks. It is very important to be fully informed and consider the risks prior to a medical or surgical abortion procedure.
Pregnancy Center Plus can help you understand your rights.
First, we want you to know that you have rights even if you are under 18 years old. You do not need parental consent to receive our services. Your appointment is strictly confidential, and we will not tell your parents, boyfriend, or guardian.
Also, laws prohibit the father, guardian, parent, or the courts from forcing you to have an abortion.
Call 24/7 to discuss your situation or for an appointment (513) 321-3100. We can help you understand your options and empower you to make an informed decision.
Cómo podemos ayudarte. El primer paso es una prueba de embarazo para confirmar su embarazo. También podemos hacerte una ecografía para confirmar en qué fase del embarazo te encuentras, localizar el embarazo (asegurarnos de que no es tubárico/ectópico) y confirmar que se trata de un embarazo viable (el bebé tiene latido). También estamos aquí para escucharte y responder a tus preguntas. Haga una cita en el enlace de arriba o llámenos al 513-321-3100 para programar una cita. Además, tenemos una línea de chat con enfermeras 24/7 que puede ser útil.
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