3 Things You Need to Do Before an Abortion
If you have found out you’re pregnant, you may be considering abortion. It can be scary to be faced with an unplanned pregnancy. Pregnancy Center East is a great place to receive evidence-based abortion information. There are 3 things to do before an abortion that we can help with. We also can provide free pregnancy tests, free ultrasounds, and free STD tests, along with pregnancy counseling.
So, before you have an abortion, do these 3 things:
- Medical Grade Pregnancy Test
You need to make sure you are really pregnant. You will need to confirm your pregnancy with a medical-grade test. If you are not pregnant, you won’t need an abortion.
- Ultrasound
If your medical-grade pregnancy test is positive, you will need an ultrasound to determine gestational age. Only an ultrasound can accurately determine this information. Not all types of abortion are available at all stages of pregnancy.
The gestational age determines the type of abortion procedure: Chemical abortion, commonly referred to as the Abortion Pill; Suction Aspiration or Vacuum Aspiration surgical abortion; D & C (Dilation & Curettage) surgical abortion; or D & E (Dilation & Evacuation) surgical abortion.
- STD Test
You will want to be screened for sexually-transmitted diseases. If you have an STD when you have an abortion, you run the risk of getting Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). If not treated it can lead to infertility and other complications.
If you think you might be pregnant, we offer confidential appointments for free pregnancy testing, free ultrasounds, and free STD tests. We’re also here to listen to you and answer your questions. Make your appointment today at the top of this page! We also have a 24/7 hotline, call us 513-321-3100.
Source: Cleveland Clinic and CDC
Posted on febrero 5, 2019 Ver el blog